
Frequently asked questions about drying and curing equipment on the coating line

Posted on 2018-08-27 The drying and curing furnace is mainly composed of a drying chamber body, a heating system and temperature control. The drying chamber body has a passage type and a passage type; the heating system has a fuel type (heavy oil, light oil), a gas type (natural gas, liquefied gas), electric heating (far infrared, electrothermal type), steam type, etc.Drying and curing furnace is relatively less problematic, but it should still attract attention in terms of energy saving and safety.


1. Excessive surface temperature of the drying chamber

Improper selection of chamber insulation materials is the main reason for the poor insulation effect, surface temperature exceeding the standard and thermal insulation. This not only causes an increase in energy consumption, but also does not meet the relevant requirements: the drying chamber should have good insulation, and the surface temperature of the outer wall should not exceed 15 °C.


2. Exhaust gas piping is not set properly or not set

In some workshops, the exhaust gas discharge nozzle of the drying and curing chamber is not connected to the outdoor, but in the workshop, the exhaust gas is directly discharged into the workshop, causing air pollution in the workshop; and some of the exhaust lines of the drying and curing chamber of the coating line It is not set at the location where the exhaust gas concentration is the highest, which is not conducive to the rapid discharge of exhaust gas.The sprayed workpiece enters the drying and curing chamber. Since the coating contains machine solvent to varying degrees, the organic solvent exhaust gas is generated during the drying and solidification process. The organic solvent exhaust gas is flammable. If the exhaust gas is not discharged into the drying chamber in time, it accumulates in the drying. Indoors, once the concentration is too high, it will cause safety hazards.

Post time: Jan-13-2022